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Each week, you’ll discover real-life proven mind-blowing strategies to confidently step into your authentic self and design a life you’re madly in love with.
On today’s episode, Joanna is talking about what it means to let go. Because at the heart of the M.I.N.D Method™ is learning how to unhook yourself from the automatic mind you have mistaken for yourself. It’s about really letting go of the YOU that you have mistaken yourself to be. So tune in to […]
On today’s episode, Joanna just returned from leading her second retreat in Costa Rica at Imiloa Institute and she discusses how it was an incredible week of witnessing women coming together to support each other in becoming who they are meant to be and designing the life they are meant to be living. She talks […]
On today’s episode, Joanna is talking about how you can know the difference between the fear that your Inner Critic creates and your intuition. She discusses how if you pay attention to your body, you’ll notice a predominance of energy moving in one direction and how our body has an innate wisdom that extends far […]
On today’s episode, Joanna is talking about your automatic relationship with money because your emotions around money are not a result of how much money you actually have or don’t have. She dives deep into the idea that if you are consciously choosing different thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors, your life will go in a […]
On today’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking about how during her mid-40s, it became clear both in her life and also in the lives of the thousands of people she had worked with throughout her career, that there was something missing. Despite her success, despite the successes of her clients, there was a fundamental lack […]
On today’s podcast episode, Joanna has Dr. Tammy Lang, a functional medicine practitioner, on the show to discuss how the Inner Critic Assessment and the M.I.N.D Method™ changed her life. They dive deep into a discussion of Joanna’s methods of self-discovery and how they have taught Dr. Tammy to have a joyful outlook on life, […]