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Each week, you’ll discover real-life proven mind-blowing strategies to confidently step into your authentic self and design a life you’re madly in love with.

The Podcast

Dethroning Your Inner Critic


On today’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking about how everything we do is a form of self-expression and every choice we make is weaving the whole beautiful tapestry that is our life.  She goes on to discuss how we only see the tapestry of our life as beautiful when it matches everything our Inner Critic […]


On today’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking about how the nature of all human beings is that we actually THINK we know who we are, but we actually govern almost every part of our lives with mistaken identity, and we don’t know it. She discusses how it is my life’s purpose for all of us […]


On today’s podcast episode, Joanna has Jaime Myers, a fellow coach who has a vision of people having the space, care, and community to explore, inquire, live with greater freedom, and design their lives to shine! Together they are discussing how to shift from worry and stress to peace and flow Here is what we […]


In this week’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking about how so many people don’t realize how much their Inner Critic is impacting every aspect of their life.  Whether she’s telling you that you aren’t good enough, impacting your relationships with your significant other and your children, robbing you of your peace or sabotaging your professional […]


On today’s podcast episode, Joanna has Deborah Hurwitz, an award-winning film and television composer and music director, on the show to discuss how she helps ambitious professionals to break through the paralysis of perfectionism and procrastination so they can accomplish the goals that matter most to them. Here is what we discussed: Are you looking […]


In this week’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking about how she is on a mission to help all of us create our big dreams without stress, overwhelm, hustle, and intense and stressed energy.  Many of her clients come to her because they have a vision for the life they want and they don’t know where […]

more about me 

I’ve spent over 30 years studying the human brain and mind-body connection leading me to develop my ground-breaking MIND Method™ in 2015. It’s a unique framework that will completely alter your life and stop the self-sabotaging voice in your head from stealing your true potential.


Meet the host