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Each week, you’ll discover real-life proven mind-blowing strategies to confidently step into your authentic self and design a life you’re madly in love with.
On today’s podcast episode, Joanna has Mellissa Seaman, a Stanford-educated former business lawyer turned intuitive, on the show to discuss how she stays tuned into her soul while running her business. Mellissa is known for bridging the worlds of business strategy and intuitive development to guide professional women in midlife to clarify their deepest purpose, […]
In this week’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking about an Instagram post that she read recently that said, according to a course in miracles, anxiety is a symptom of fear and lack of trust in the universe. She dives deeper into the thoughts that this belief ultimately leads us to try to control our environment […]
In this week’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking about how often we need to understand that we are always evolving and growing into a new version of ourselves. This means that there are parts of our lives that are transforming into an entirely different version of what it used to be. This move sometimes causes […]
In this week’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking about what it really means to rewire your MIND and how if you commit to the work of healing the part of your mind, personality and identity that you developed in childhood, you WILL have life-changing transformations. Here are this week’s reflection questions:
In this week’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking about how many people use this time of year to reflect on what they want for the new year or what they want their life to look like in the future. So, why is it that although we keep saying what we want our life to be […]
In this week’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking to Beth Shaw, 5 time author and a pioneer in the yoga and wellness industry, about how perfectionism and the unending race to reach our potential can actually cause more stress, overwhelm and lack of fulfillment. Here is what we discussed this week: What led Beth to […]