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Each week, you’ll discover real-life proven mind-blowing strategies to confidently step into your authentic self and design a life you’re madly in love with.

The Podcast

Dethroning Your Inner Critic


On today’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking to you today about the secret to getting anything you want in your life. Whether you want to build a 7 figure business, you want a better relationship, you want more peace and joy in your life, or reach a new level of health, she discusses how our […]


On today’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking about how to shape your worldview. First,  she defines what your worldview is and then discusses how your habit-forming beliefs that help you make sense of all your experiences are what actually shapes your world. Here are this week’s reflection questions:  What if you could stop waiting until […]


In this week’s podcast episode, Joanna has Daniel Mangena, a best-selling author, international speaker, and successful entrepreneur, on the show to talk about how to trust inner guidance and how their personal lives have provided them the foundation to do so.  Here are this week’s reflection questions:  How do you learn to let go and find […]


On today’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking about accessing your inner world, because your inner world is what determines the quality of your whole life. She dives deep into how most people automatically focus on the outer world because they believe that our experience of fulfillment, peace, joy, love, success, and happiness comes from finding […]


On today’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking about how your struggle can actually be the portal to extraordinary growth. She discusses that whatever you THINK you are struggling with right now, isn’t really what you are really struggling with because it’s not the circumstance itself that is causing you to struggle, it is only your […]


On today’s podcast episode, Joanna is talking about how there is really no end to the practice of Mastering Your Mind™ because we all have to continually align ourselves with and act from our Authentic Selves, the part that lies beneath our Inner Critic. She discusses how this is the part of us that requires […]

more about me 

I’ve spent over 30 years studying the human brain and mind-body connection leading me to develop my ground-breaking MIND Method™ in 2015. It’s a unique framework that will completely alter your life and stop the self-sabotaging voice in your head from stealing your true potential.


Meet the host