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Each week, you’ll discover real-life proven mind-blowing strategies to confidently step into your authentic self and design a life you’re madly in love with.

The Podcast

Dethroning Your Inner Critic


In this week’s episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, Joanna is speaking about how deep transformational work can empower you to embody and become the next-level version of yourself so you can create the life of your dreams and the impact that you want to make in the world. So tune in to […]


In this week’s podcast episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, Joanna is speaking about how you can EMERGE into the NEW VERSION of YOU, make a big impact without sacrificing your spiritual and physical well being  or your most important relationship. So tune in to this enlightening episode and learn what actions you […]


In this week’s podcast episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, Joanna is speaking about how spiritual awakening transforms your vision into a tangible life changing reality. So tune in to this enlightening episode and learn what actions you can take toward designing your perfect life. Here are this week’s reflection questions:  Are you […]


In this week’s podcast episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, Joanna is speaking about how you can use the power of psychology, spirituality, and neuroscience to rewire your mind and get the desired fulfillment in the life you created. So tune in to this enlightening episode and learn what actions you can take […]


In this week’s episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, Joanna is discussing how the Inner Critic leads to overthinking, causing anxiety and inhibiting you from sharing their message with the world. She encourages embracing emotions (good and bad), develop habits that disrupt your overy thinking and pushing through the doubts, as this is […]


In this week’s episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, Joanna and her mother are coming together to talk about what they are both experiencing in the immediate aftermath of her father’s passing. They are sharing that this experience has unexpectedly turned into a reflective period filled with both laughter and tears and they are […]

more about me 

I’ve spent over 30 years studying the human brain and mind-body connection leading me to develop my ground-breaking MIND Method™ in 2015. It’s a unique framework that will completely alter your life and stop the self-sabotaging voice in your head from stealing your true potential.


Meet the host