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Each week, you’ll discover real-life proven mind-blowing strategies to confidently step into your authentic self and design a life you’re madly in love with.

The Podcast

Dethroning Your Inner Critic


In this episode of the DYIC podcast, we explore the powerful realization that self-worth isn’t something to be earned through external validation or success—it’s our birthright. The episode dives into how many of us spend our lives chasing achievements, believing they will make us feel valued, only to fall into the trap of emotional dependency. […]


In this episode of the DYIC podcast, Joanna Kleinman invites us to explore the courage needed to move beyond a life that is merely “good enough” to one that feels authentically great. She delves into the common fear of leaving behind aspects of our lives that appear satisfactory on paper but fail to align with […]


On this Dethroning Your Inner Critic episode, we explore how your thoughts and beliefs shape your personal reality and how breaking free from your “Inner Critic” can unlock a life of empowerment and fulfillment. By recognizing and rewiring the automatic thought patterns that hold you back, you can begin creating the future you desire. We […]


On this Dethroning Your Inner Critic episode, we explore the core of what might be keeping you stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. Often, these feelings are tied to hidden beliefs that are out of sync with your true self, creating emotional barriers that hold you back. By uncovering and understanding these unconscious thoughts, you can start […]


In this deeply moving episode of the Dethroning Your Inner Critic podcast, Joanna and her mother, Judy Fox, reflect on the one-year anniversary of her father’s passing, exploring the profound impact he had on their lives and the lives of those who knew him best. Together, they engage in a heartfelt conversation about navigating loss, honoring his […]


In this episode of the DYIC podcast, Joanna delves into the power of your unconscious mind, which holds the key to your dreams—whether it’s achieving career goals, improving relationships, or reaching health milestones. To live a happier, more fulfilling life, you must connect with your unconscious and understand your self-talk. This awareness can transform your […]

more about me 

I’ve spent over 30 years studying the human brain and mind-body connection leading me to develop my ground-breaking MIND Method™ in 2015. It’s a unique framework that will completely alter your life and stop the self-sabotaging voice in your head from stealing your true potential.


Meet the host