Feeling the Fear and Doing it Anyways On this podcast, Joanna has Nancy Pickard a master integrative life coach and international bestselling author of Bigger, Better, Braver, on the show to discuss how as women, it’s hard to put ourselves before everyone else. They are diving deep into the discussion about how to get uncomfortable […]
The Number One Thing That Will Change Your Life Today Joanna is talking about the NUMBER ONE THING that can change your life, and how it is also the very thing that might be holding you back. She dives deep into the conversation that if you want to understand how to master your life on […]
5 Steps To Building The Life You Want Today Joanna is talking about the 5 steps to build the life you want. She dives deep into how we all aspire to do, be, and have great things but we typically resist the discomfort of not knowing what the outcome of our actions will be which […]
How To Declutter Your Soul Today Joanna has Peggy Fitzsimmons, a Counselor of Psychology that has worked in the fields of counseling and healing for over 25 years. They are talking about how to explore the emotional and spiritual aspects of clutter – why we have it, why we keep it, and how to get […]
The Year Anniversary of Covid and Our Post Traumatic Growth Today Joanna is talking about how we are experiencing a lot of anxiety about how to navigate life as they re-enter the world again. She discusses how now that we are looking at what we want life to be, so many people are […]
5 Ways to Manage Covid Re-entry Anxiety Today Joanna is talking about how in 2020 we were forced to reassess the things we used to think were so important. She discusses how as we are starting to reemerge from this year and trying to figure out what life will be moving forward, that it is […]