

The Confidence Cure Today Joanna is talking about how even though women today are accomplishing more than ever before as a gender, we are still consumed with doubt, worry, and attention on what people think of us, comparing ourselves to others. Here are this week’s reflection questions:  When you lack confidence, does your mind focus […]


Your Life Matches Your Story Today Joanna is talking about how the story you tell about yourself affects your life. She dives deep into how your life story is actually not a biography of the facts and events of your life, but it is actually how you have interpreted those facts inside your own head […]


How to Dive Into the Unknown Today Joanna has Jennifer Louden, a women’s creativity and leadership mentor and the author of 9 books, on the show to discuss how to dive into the unknown and what will evolve while you embark on that journey. They are also talking about how to make what matters most […]


Are you choosing growth or suffering? Today Joanna is talking all about how our culture has created separateness, anger, fear, lack and scarcity.  And now we are at this critical impasse where we have to either evolve and grow, or we are going to stay stuck in exactly more of the same. Here are this […]